Month: June 2018
The Best Exercise and Eating Advice for Your Body Type BY KYLE ARSENAULT
The Best Exercise and Eating Advice for Your Body Type BY KYLE ARSENAULT JUNE 14, 2018 Ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph might sound like alien races straight out of a sci-fi series, but knowing which of these three body types you are can help you customize your workout plan. VIDEO OF …
Simplicity. Simplify.
Simplicity is about essence. Simplicity is what is left when we have taken away all that is not necessary.
Action is key
Knowledge is power but only when ACTION is applied to that knowledge.
Choose your Echo
✍ Choose ur Echo ——————- A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy tripped and, feeling a sharp pain, he screams “AHHHH!” Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, “AHHHH!” Filled with curiosity, he screams: “Who are you?”, but the only answer he …
Kids future – Train up a child
A 1963 Harvard graduate said this “My one big mistake in life has been providing a trust fund for my five children. I’m very comfortable paying for an education for as long as they want to study in a reputable university. However, providing additional funds so they could have a …
*THE PRICE OF PEACE AND HARMONY IN EVERY MARRIAGE.* Many years ago I listened to a preacher share about how his wife would leave the television on at night and sleep off and they lived in a country where you pay based on how long you keep the TV on. …
Real wealth. Networth
WHY IT MATTERS: Income is routinely mistaken for wealth. For example, if John Doe’s income is $250,000 per year, some people might say John is “wealthy.” However, if John’s mortgage, car payments, student loans from medical school, medical bills for his child, and private school tuition for his other child …
Our legacy to kids
Parental Legacy to kids they Love The following truth hit me like a ton of bricks as I was driving to work this morning (6:29am on Wed 18 June 2014) In addition to the many gifts you will leave behind when you die, I think a parent’s job is not …