Category: Inspirational Stories
Top five regrets of the dying
Here are the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by the Australian palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware whilst caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives: 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected …
Fly like a bird with the 2 wings of Gratefulness and Enthusiasm. 4 July 2020
*Fly like a bird with the 2 wings of Gratefulness and Enthusiasm*. 4 July 2020 This has been inspired by a post this morning from one of my classmates Beryl with a heading: #YouCanWinInTheSecondHalf. The synopsis was that regardless of how ‘poorly’ your game has been thus far, you can …
Meditations & Reflections
Meditations & Reflections of Martin Dzediku ( for the next 60 months – written on 28 December 2019. *On you* Man know thyself. Be you. Be original. Be purposeful. You will have more genuine friends when you are YOU than a ‘counterfeit’. Whatever your philosophy, SPT (Study Practise Teach – …
The fable of porcupine
Dear brothers and sisters as the year is rounding out and we’re looking forward to living together in the coming years, I feel good to share the fable of the porcupines to highlight the importance of staying together despite our differences in any way. *The Fable of Porcupine.* It was …
Steve Jobs The Most important ‘Tool’ to make the most of his life
Steve Jobs Said This Was the Most Important ‘Tool’ He Had Ever Encountered to Make the Most of His Life It helped him make the right choices, the bigger they got. By Marcel SchwantesFounder and Chief Human Officer, Leadership From the Core In his teens, the late great Steve Jobs …
Money, Investment, Think Profits
The Richest Man in China said: If you put Bananas and Money in front of Monkeys, Monkeys will choose Bananas because monkeys do not know that *Money can buy a lot of Bananas*._ IN REALITY, if you offer JOB and BUSINESS to people, they would choose JOB because most people …
Spend on you. Live TODAY fully
*I FOUND THIS THOUGHTFUL:* 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄 An old man told me a story about his late cousin who used most part of his active life in service to pay off a mortgage. He wanted to build a mansion so he took a huge loan for it. All other dreams he had …
Secret of Winners – Lion
*SECRET OF WINNERS* In the jungle: 1. The Elephant is the biggest; 2. The Giraffe is the tallest; 3. The Fox is the wisest;? 4. The Cheetah is the fastest; Yet, the Lion is the KING of the jungle even without ANY of these qualities. Why? Because: 1. The Lion …