Spend on you. Live TODAY fully

*I FOUND THIS THOUGHTFUL:* 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄 An old man told me a story about his late cousin who used most part of his active life in service to pay off a mortgage. He wanted to build a mansion so he took a huge loan for it. All other dreams he had …

You do not have the WORST situation

First shared on Facebook.. Wednesday’s Encouragement – 24 October 2012 If EVERY person who COMPLAINS about their problems could come from all corners of the earth and take and pile their problems in a heap, and if each person could see the size and gravity of THE PROBLEMS OF OTHERS, …

The Chinese Bamboo Tree

The Power of Patience combined with Persistence – The story of the Chinese Bamboo Tree Like any plant, growth of the Chinese Bamboo Tree requires nurturing through water, fertile soil, and sunshine. In its first year though, we see no visible signs of growth in spite of providing all of …